Improve your rehab with PUMP

The PUMP can help you recover from injuries with the variety of resistance types it can produce.
Whether you are a PT, physio, medical professional, or have a program in place, the PUMP can help you recover faster.
Being small and lightweight means you can take it wherever you go.

Better than resistance bands

Resistance bands increase the resistance the further your pull them out, which is often not optimal for rehab. The PUMP can create resistance to replicate resistance bands if that's what you need.
But the PUMP can create constant resistance throughout the whole motion or more at certain points to work the muscle in the way you need.

Gradual Recovery

As you recover and strengthen the muscle around your injury, you can adjust your PUMP to increase resistance to continue working the muscle the right amount.
The app tracks how you are pulling the cable in and out so you can use it for the motion most effective for your rehab and see points where you need to improve.

Ready to start recovering?